Friday, April 10, 2009

bye bye birdie

I am sad to anounce that my other bird has died. I had come home briefly during my hair coloring (goop still in my hair) to let Mocha to take care of business, only to discover that my bird was laying at the bottom of the cage. I had to get back to the salon so I didn't have time to be too sad about it. All I had time to do was remove her from the cage, put her in the dumpster (i know not quite a proper burial), put the cage outside.
As I cleaned the cage (when I returned from the salon), I was thinking that I hadn't heard her chirp for a while and wondered how long she had been "gone." She had food and some water, though a little dirty. Though quiet, I'm pretty sure she was fine the night before. Anyway no more birds for a while.

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