Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

I pray everyone who reads this had a blessed Christmas and 2009 is beginning well for them. I spent most of my break in Phoenix with my parents. Though I only spent an hour in my classroom at the end of break, I took some work with me. This helped pass time when my parents worked in their home-office. Mocha did better with Princess this visit. She basically ignores her now. She also did very well learning to do her business outside, and really enjoyed just wandering and sniffing the backyard especially in the sun. This spoiled me too because after a few days there I just let her out the back door and let her back in a while later. School is back in session and the day was fairly easy but Mocha and I have to re-adjust to the routine of going out on the leash (only reason to look forward to the wamer weather:/
I went to Christmas Eve service with my parents at the Episcopal church. The service was nice but what caught my ear the most is the minister mentioning the importance of having a relationship with Christ. I don't know if my parents "heard this message," but I was impressed and encouraged.
I carried on a tradition of making a donation to an organization in lieu of giving gifts to my parents and brothers and their spouses (as we get older and become gainfully employed it is harder to shop for one another, then there is the old line don't shop for me). I also began a tradition of giving my niece and nephew a small gift and a coupon for a movie or some outing with their aunt. This year we went to see Bedtime Stories. Cute!
Better tend to my puppy. She seems clingy/needy this evening.

1 comment:

Heather Hekman said...

Glad "the message" was in his message at the Christmas Eve service. Glad you got to give Mocha some freedom (and yourself, too) while you were at your parents'. Welcome home.